useful phrases: it is what it is ("iiwii"), be adaptable, the thing that matters are others, nature is based on balance, change is the only constant in the universe, change(=life) requires energy, 2nd law of themodynamics (entropy only increases), E=mc^2 (rest mass), there is no free lunch, trust, compassion, no expectations, live in the moment, live here and now, life is not fair, there are always 3 choices to any problems (take it as is, change it, move away from it), respect, go with the flow, we'll see how it goes, don't judge, judging is limiting, inifinite possibilities, nature is infinitely smart, human brain power is limited, win-win, get busy living or get busy dying, good things come in twos, we cannot do it alone, magic happens with the right group of people, peace
view points about living:
- The thing that matters are others. Way beyond yourself. Self goes away. Ego bye-bye. (Robin Williams 2006)
- It's not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts. A life not lived for others is not a life. (Mother Teresa)
- Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. (Albert Einstein)
- everybody is different, assuming other people's perspective would lead to huge misunderstandings
- nature is based on balance, today's capitalistic society is based on growth (fyi: cancer cell's purpose also is growth). capitalism is not sustainable if one's gain is based on someone else's or something else's loss. capitalism works great if everyone is in the loop including the environment. And supply and demand balance of every single transaction of all parties involved including the environment is maintained without any central controller.
- in a complex non-linear system with more than 3 variables (e.g., ecosystem, weather system, human society), it has a tendency to form a chaotic system. In such system, a small change in a part, could cause huge difference in the total system behaviors. it is critical to consider holistic system effects when implementing new changes to a part of the system.
- without trust, communication could breakdown no matter how well connected..
- life is not fair, you cannot chose your parents, try not demand entitlement, demanding it will cause more suffering
- nothing lasts forever, everything changes, watch out for holding on to things, let it go
- suffering promotes change, imagine if there was no suffering, what would need to change? suffering can be a gift by changing how you look at it. making it misery or a gift is up to you.
- what one person can do is limited. get help (if you think you can do everything alone, no use reading this)
- failure is part of life and learning process (no matter how hard you worked, how perfect your work is, things don't work out sometimes) at the end of the day, usually most of failures won't lead to the end of the world, be chilled, especially after failing something big.
- at any given time, there are always 3 choices: 1 move/run away, 2 change/fix it, 3 take it as it is. things have peculiar ways of working out. how to make wise choice = life long learning for making wise choices = life
- hindsight is always 20/20, connecting dots only by looking back, things happen for a reason (please watch Steve Jobs famous speech at Stanford) happy moments, sad moments, let them happen and take them as they are then see how it goes.
- judging is limiting because our brain is not smart enough to foresee all the consequences from the time when a judgement is made.
STERCO, a Burning Man frame of mind:
- Selflessness
- Timelessness
- Effortlessness
- Richness
- Compassion
- Oneness
4 emotionally intelligent things to do:
1. stop criticizing others.
2. stop worrying about the future.
3. stop ruminating on the past.
4. stop expecting too much of others.
11 things people love to hear:
1. “I was thinking about you.”
2. “You look good.”
3. “What do you think?”
4. “I love the way you see the world.”
5. “The last time we spoke you told me X.”
6. “I followed your advice.”
7. “I miss you.”
8. “I really admire X about you.”
9. “I love your energy.”
10. “I saw this and it reminded me of you.”
11. “Thank you for being a good person.”
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